Saturday, May 14, 2016

Crouching Vegan, Hidden Temptations

Spinach, almonds, banana, fresh coconut, pineapple, ice and BLEND!

Ola puppies!

It's time for me to talk about my slow dance towards  a decade long dream. And that's becoming a full-time vegan. So it's not going to be overnight. There are only so many Freelee Banana girl videos and instagram #raw and #vegan inspirations to follow. But let's just say, it's a priority this 2016. I'll slip and slide, let it take a year, but I'll get there.

The point of this is not evangelism. I don't think I'll ever be one of those friendly vegans who start with the innocuous at first ' Hey there friend" and then progress to  "do you have 5 min to talk about how you can save the planet by being a vegan?"
Nope, that won't be me. Unless you specifically ask me or try to argue it with me, that is.  Understanding your own value system in context to the world is your own personal journey. The thing is, we have no idea how exactly the universe adds up. But since this is my blog, and you have taken the time to read this far, I will say this much : Haven't we normalized utter cruelty? Normalized shoving pigs, cattle, chickens, and goats into horrific conditions just so we can stuff our faces and wear a leather jacket? And even if you don't eat meat, we are complacent in promoting unnatural ways of animals living and eating so we can have milk and associated products. Isn't it funny how when we justify something, ( and let me me tell you capitalism with it's dairy and meat industry has just fed us with some big lies- you don't have to have meat and dairy to be healthy, in fact quite the contrary) - then it's totally OK to promote and support a systematic cruelty?

That's the thought behind it. And I promise that's all the moral stuff I will be dishing out on this blog. What I will be doing is talking nutrition and how you can do with vegan recipes. Our bodies are NOT meant to eat unprocessed food, and you can have sugar- but from fruit- and you can have it unlimited, as long as you don't touch the processed kind.

Here are some semi-pretty pictures with tidbits to inspire. Even if you are not interested in dirty crummy looking vegans, I ask you to try some of these tips/thoughts  just for nourishment. Until then, be nourished, happy, and peaceful. And try not be a douche ;)

Remember my nut bars? Nuts are your protein powerhouse with a super dose of healthy fats. Next time you need to munch, eat nuts. Use jaggery instead of sugar and sesame seeds for extra nom-nom pleasure. Also them sesame seeds have calcium. See? It doesn't even MOO! 

This was lunch today. Carrots, peri- peri hummus, whole wheat lavaash and the best thing:  salted caramel cashew butter -made by my friend, Shilpa, and it's to DIE for. She also does vegan cheese, hit me up if you want to score some.

Half a Watermelon can replace your Chips Addiction. And boy did I have a Chip addiction.

Pro Tip: Blend a bunch of dates with a little bit of water. You have got the best sugar replacement money can buy. Add it to cakes, on bread,  and even curries for some added sweet smacking. 

So many ways to snack. Mixed nuts tossed with rock salt and a dash of honey and chia seeds. Peanut butter and pista. Mango , coconut cream, and banana.

Always Share frozen fruit with your Dogs. Don't have a dog? Find one. 

And that's me saying : Ta-ta! Happy eating. Happy baking. And happy everything. 

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