Thursday, June 1, 2017

Vegan Maple Syrup Cookies ( with a dash of almond flour)

Yo Peacocks !

So my mother just came in from Denver this morning. She visits Bangalore every 6 months to see me. This time she brought me a bunch of vegan swag. Vegan breakfast bars, plant-based protein powder, nutritional yeast, and even vegan mac & cheese boxes. I know, vegan hipster to the epic hilt. But the one glorious thing I really wanted was maple syrup. Because it's just way too expensive here.

So of course I am going to be annoying and tell you how to make maple syrup cookies fully knowing that it's really too much money to spend on a cookie ingredient. But, the thing is you can still make these cookies with quarter the amount of maple syrup (for the flavour) and use sugar for the rest. That way you can make good economy with your maple syrup.

flour, almond flour, and that liquid gold

Since I got a bunch of maple from the land of plenty, I went all out and made these cookies with zero sugar and 100% maple syrup.

These are super simple to make and taste so good. I have used 3/4th cup of almond flour (added to  the regular flour) for some extra yum-num and texture. Crispy on the outside and moist inside. Just a solid cookie.

Here's what you need

2 cups flour
3/4th cup almond flour (just blend almonds in a blender and sieve)
1 cup maple syrup (or use 3/4th cup powdered sugar +1/4 cup maple syrup)
1/3 rd cup oil/neutral oil like sunflower
1/4th cup coconut mylk (or any other plant-based mylk)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vinegar (optional, but for extra moistness)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla essence

Make it

Sieve your flour, almond flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder into a large bowl. Gently mix.

Flour, Almond Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, salt + Excitement to make this dope!

In another bowl mix your oil, coconut mylk,  vanilla, vinegar (if you are using it),  and maple syrup. It will look like crap, but trust, k?

It's not a looker. But trust. Coconut mylk, maple syrup, vanilla, oil

Now slowly pour your wet mixture into your dry mix and keep mixing. You have to get a dough going (it can be a bit sticky). Now knead that dough with your hands.

Pop it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. After that roll out into long tubes and cut circles of dough with a knife.

Cut the cookie dough

Preheat oven to 180c. Place your cookies on a greased pan or on parchment paper. Add any decoration like sprinkles, crushed almond or a dash of powdered sugar.

All ready for that oven

Pop those babies in for 12-15 minutes. Depending on the size of your oven  you might have to do 2 batches.

Let them cool for a few minutes. Now share. Best had with black coffee. But that's biased advice because I think in genereal, life goes best with black coffee.

Till  next time, keep it kind and keep it real!

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