Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cookie Frosting for Hesitant Bakers

It's Easy Folks. Promise

A quickie here folks. For those who want to make a radical impression and don't have time or the skills do make super pretty decoration, fear not. The easiest thing in the world is making sugar frosting for your cookies. You don't need much, just icing sugar, food colouring, water, and an old Dabur honey plastic bottle, or any other  old squeezable jar.

So what do you do fine folk?

What you need

1 Cup Icing Sugar (or cheat by blending regular sugar)
3 tablespoons water or plant-based mylk
Food Colouring (take your pick green, yellow, orange or red)
2 drops of vanilla (totally optional)

How to do this

Dump 1 cup of icing sugar in a bowl (or just put regular sugar in the blender and blend until it becomes a fine dust)

Add your 3 table spoons of icing, food colouring and vanilla and stir it like a maniac (click the word you'll have the perfect song to go with your frosting adventure). You should get a thick gooey frosting in a few seconds. Make sure there are no lumps.

Golden Tip : Add the water in stages to make sure your frosting is not too thin, you want it to be the consistency of ketchup, or actually slightly thicker.

Then What?

Get your old squeezy tube and gently pour (over a sink or you will regret it) into the bottle. Make sure your bottle is super dry. Tightly place the cap on and you are ready to go.

It's like a pre-school Activity

Now get your cookies out and make sure they are cooled completely. The easiest thing to do is to make zig-zag stripes over them or just squeeze frosting  all over the cookie top. Quickly add sprinkles or chocolate chips if you want (before the frosting dries) and in about 15 minutes your frosting will harden and you have the prettiest cookies ever! Now go impress people.

Happy Holiday Week!

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